“Reclaiming Trees and Lives” with Urban Ashes Frames for Media Décor
As a company invested in American craftsmanship, we love supporting other companies who share the same commitment to high-quality, handcrafted goods. Years ago we were introduced to Paul Hickman,CEO/Founder of Urban Ashes, a local company who specializes in creating frames from reclaimed Michigan wood.
After discovering a shared love for art, music, and collecting eclectic items, Paul and Leon’s President Noah Kaplan quickly hit it off and started dreaming up ways for the two companies to collaborate. With Urban Ashes’ expertise in custom framing, it was a natural fit to have them design a line of custom frames for our Media Décor Moving Art Screens, a product that frames any TV, completely concealing it behind scrolling artwork.

A few corner samples from the new Urban Ashes frame collection for Media Décor
Recently launched, the new Urban Ashes collection is an exclusive line of 11 frames that are handcrafted out of wood that has been carefully salvaged from all over the state of Michigan. These frames blend the organic texture of the reclaimed wood with a modern design, giving each piece a rustic yet contemporary feel. Although each frame varies slightly due to the nature of how it is sourced, the collection offers options from five species: Soft Maple, Walnut, Cherry, White Oak, and Southern Longleaf Yellow Pine/Doug Fir—all of which are finished using zero VOC and zero petroleum products.
“We’ve long been fans of Urban Ashes and we’re excited to bring their reclaimed, handcrafted frames to our Media Décor customers. Paul and his team do an incredible job at balancing the raw characteristics of the salvaged wood with a modern and sophisticated aesthetic.”
–Noah Kaplan, President & Founder of Leon Speakers
But what we love the most about Urban Ashes is their story. Just as they are giving the wood they salvage from homes and businesses across the state a second chance, the same can be said for the craftsmen they hire to build their products. The company’s unofficial motto is “Reclaiming Trees and Lives” because of their dedication to providing meaningful work and livable wages to citizens returning from incarceration and at-risk youth. Paul and his team feel passionate about breaking down the stigmas & prejudices that these populations face while giving them an opportunity to reclaim their lives.

Urban Ashes craftsmen at work in their Saline, MI shop
“They’re the most dedicated staff members you’ll ever have” said Paul. “Once you give these people the opportunity, the giveback is pretty impressive. Working on the wood is like working on themselves. They look at the wood as something that society typically would have discarded—like their lives had been discarded, and they’re working on themselves and creating a product.”
–Paul Hickman, CEO/Founder of Urban Ashes
The Urban Ashes line for Media Décor is available now. View the frames online or contact mediadecor@leonspeakers.com for more information. You can learn more about Urban Ashes on their website or by listening to this recent piece they recorded for Michigan Radio.